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Weight 0.10 lbs
Pumping Speed 230 l/s-1
Ultimate Pressure < 2 x 10-8 mbar

Leybold Vacuum TURBOVAC TW 250 S Turbomolecular Pump - REBUILT

The TURBOVAC TW 250 S is a turbomolecular pump with integrated or external frequency converter. It is designed to evacuate vacuum chambers down to pressure levels in the high vacuum range. It is suitable for pumping air and clean, non-corrosive gases. A forevacuum pump is required for its operation. We offer repair service and are capable of rebuilding, balancing and testing this pump. View our inventory of Leybold Vacuum turbo pumps.

Questions? Please call our toll free number at 866-332-0500 or send an email to our sales team!

High-vacuum connection DN 100 ISO-K / DN 100 CF
Pumping speed at 10-5 mbar
N2 230 l/s
Ar 210 l/s
H2 80 l/s
He 150 l/s
Max. gas throughput
N2 3.7 mbar l/s @ 10-1 mbar
Ar 1.6 mbar l/s @ 10-2 mbar
H2 1.1 mbar l/s @ 10-1 mbar
He 2.4 mbar l/s @ 10-1 mbar
N2 3.0 x 107 @ 3 mbar
Ar 1.0 x 107 @ 6 mbar
H2 5.0 x 102 @ 0.2 mbar
He 3.2 x 103 @ 0.7 mbar
Ultimate pressure w/ two-stage, oil-sealed rotary vane pump < 2 x 10-8 mbar
Max. permissible forevacuum pressure for N2 3 mbar
Recommended forevacuum pumps
Diaphragm pump w/ ultimate pressure < 3 mbar & pumping speed at 3 mbar > 2 m3h-1
TRIVAC @ purge gas operation D 8 B
Operating speed 51,600 rpm
Run-up time approx. 3 min
Forevacuum connection DN 16 KF
Venting connection thread M 5
w/out frequency converter 5.0 kg
w/ frequency converter 5.8 kg
Noise level < 55 dB(A)
Type of protection IP 20

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Leybold TURBOVAC TW 250 S - REBUILT Operating Instructions Download

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Leybold Vacuum TURBOVAC TW 250 S Turbomolecular Pump - REBUILT

11352 / 113 52  DN 100 ISO-K, air cooling, w/out frequency converter, w/ coarse splinter guard
11437 / 114 37  DN 100 ISO-K, water cooling, w/ TURBO.DRIVE S w/ Profibus, w/out splinter guard
800150V0007  DN 100 ISO-K, air cooling, w/out frequency converter, w/ coarse splinter guard
800150V0009  DN 100 ISO-K, air cooling, w/ TURBO.DRIVE S w/ Profibus, w/ coarse splinter guard
800150V0011  DN 100 ISO-K, air cooling, w/ TURBO.DRIVE S w/ RS 232, w/out splinter guard
800150V0012  DN 100 CF, air cooling, w/ TURBO.DRIVE S w/ RS 232, w/out splinter guard
800150V0013  DN 100 ISO-K, air cooling, w/ TURBO.DRIVE S w/ RS 485, w/out splinter guard
800150V0014  DN 100 CF, air cooling, w/ TURBO.DRIVE S w/ RS 485, w/out splinter guard
800150V0016  DN 100 ISO-K, water cooling, w/ TURBO.DRIVE S w/ Profibus, w/ coarse splinter guard
800160V0020  TW 250/200/40  TI/cartridge housing